Welcome letter: The sound of silence
this is also the time of The Great Pause: A time to slow down, to reconnect with our selves, each other and the natural world.
Our Nature-based Expressive & EcoArts training programs have the living earth at their core. They are designed to realign us with an ecological vision of a sustainable human-earth presence, imaginal competency, and relational depth as members within our global and local communities.
Permaculture is the conscious design of a human-centered ecosystem that is balanced, abundant, and sustainable. As an education center and demonstration site, Sky Mountain Permaculture provides a model for how people can live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the Earth. Through workshops, consulting services, tours and
events, we teach people how to create ecosystems that provide nutrient-dense food for humans and wildlife, heal the Earth, and connect people with nature and each other, creating healthy solutions to the current environmental crisis.
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