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Our Approach

Our Programs bring together a cross-fertilization between 
Nature-based Expressive & EcoArts practice, Depth Psychology and embodied immersion in nature. The Earth-sciences and permaculture practices ground this work into the living fabric of our lives, communities, and world. 


Sky Mountain places the expressive EcoArts within an ecological framework, allowing for a personal and social exploration of one’s relations to nature, diversity, and an engaged global mindset. The Expressive and Eco Arts provide an ideal vehicle for what Theodore Roszak called seeing “the needs of the planet and the needs of the person as a continuum.”


How do we participate within the web of life and become a full member within the council of all beings? Our present ecological and global crisis calls us to re-center ourselves within an earth-cherishing consciousness. We learn again to think like nature, with her intricate ability to self-organize and to touch into the deep spontaneities and harmonies that have evolved the eye of a bee, the complexity of the human heart, and the ecological diversity of our coral reefs.


We hope to forge a psychology which is inclusive of our relationship with each other, our society and cultures, and all kingdoms of life – mineral, plant, animal, and human. Such a psychological attitude breaks out of our human-centered blindness and moves across species to embrace a trans-species intelligence, cultural diversity, and effective civil action.

We regain our ancient perennial ways of knowing within a truly modern and global context. In this way, we use the Expressive Arts to awaken our intuition and imaginal capacities guided by a developed intelligence.


We live in a time where environmental challenges need urgent, bold and thoughtful solutions. The Earth needs our help. 

Our mission at Sky Mountain is to teach people how to regenerate the Earth and live more sustainably. Permaculture is the conscious design of a human-centered ecosystem which is balanced, abundant, and sustainable.


Our eco education approach provides tools to show how people can live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the Earth. Through workshops, tours and events, we teach people how to create ecosystems that provide nutrient dense food for humans and wildlife, heal the Earth, and connect people with nature and each other, creating healthy solutions to the current environmental crisis.

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