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Welcome letter: The sound of silence


Welcome to Sky Mountain Institute’s newly revised website.

Enjoy browsing through the site’s offerings, workshops, photo-galleries, and inspirational perspectives on Ecopsychology, Nature-based practice and hands-on EcoArts processes. We wish you all the best in this time of economic shut-down and global uncertainty!

And yet, this is also the time of The Great Pause: A time to slow down, to reconnect with our selves, each other and the natural world. In this fertile pause, we can nourish new ways of being and caring for eachother, revision what is truly important, and dip into our well-spring of creative responses on personal and collective levels. It is a time to creatively break the “sound of silence.” Like a deep spring bubbling up, our indigenous soul seeks to reweave our humanness and communities back into wholeness with ‘All-our-relations’.

“The earth as a bio-spiritual planet must become, for the human, the basic reference in identifying what is real and what is worthwhile” Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth.


Our new website was originally designed by the talented Selene Hoover from Ripple.Works, and developed by our digitally creative consultant Bea Alvarez. We are grateful to you both

for the beautiful work, love and dedication put into bringing this new online presence to life.

Special thanks to:

  • The Charles H. Stout Foundation for your generous ongoing support of our Programs & Trainings and our scholarship fund at Sky Mountain Institute. Many trainees have been able to bring this important work out into their communities. THANK YOU !!

  • To all of you who have donated your time and work in making our trainings and water-harvesting/permaculture projects so successful.

  • To our participants who have taken this work into your communities and schools or created new offerings and workshops based on Sky Mountain’s trainings.

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© 2020 Sky Mountain Institute. Designed by Ripple.Works

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